Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Our Walk of Faith

I am not a writer. But when I realized that the hardest thing I've ever had to do was going to last for about five months, I knew God was giving me a story to tell.

On May 18, 2016, my husband and I found out that our baby's kidneys were not functioning, and we were told that our baby would not survive more than a few minutes outside the womb. I was only 18 weeks along. After looking into experimental treatments, we learned that our baby was not a good candidate. At 20 weeks pregnant, we accepted the doctor's prognosis for our precious child. 

Now, I am 23 weeks pregnant. I've never cried so much as I have in the last month. I didn't know the human body could produce that many tears. I have also never experienced so much joy as I have in the last few weeks, as I have felt my baby's tiny movements on a daily basis. My sisters bought me a pocket fetal doppler so we can listen to the baby's heartbeat at home. Hearing the heartbeat, feeling the movements, and seeing baby grow is so miraculous. Thank you God!

I write letters to my baby every night. I tell about my day, my prayers, and all the people that love Baby Pyper already. Hardly a day goes by without receiving a card in the mail from someone that is praying for the three of us. I have never experienced comfort from the family of God like this before. Wow. Thank you, friends and family in Christ.

Now we are just waiting. Waiting to see what God has in store. And even though there is a billion questions in my mind and plenty of things to worry about, God has given us peace. We have faith that he is working everything for our good. More importantly, we trust God with our baby. We know that he loves our baby even more than we do.

I have chosen to write because the beautiful little life that God has created is with us now! Baby Pyper is alive and that matters to us. This tiny life has a purpose.

Our next doctor's appointment is Monday. I will post updates for those of you that want to know how baby is doing, how we are doing...
(At the last appointment, the doctor said besides the kidneys, our baby looked great!)

God uses our baby to give us blessings every day. I am so thankful to be carrying this child. Thank you again for your prayers and encouragement.

In Christ,

Gretchen Pyper